On my other blog, The Eye Of Loni's Storm, I participate in a bookish meme, Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. (FYI, I really enjoy this meme. It can be fun... and informative, apparently.) This week's topic was series you want to, but haven't started yet. Making the list for yesterday's Top Ten Tuesday brought something to my attention that I wanted to share here too. I own the beginnings to A LOT of series. This doesn't count series I've already started. For some of these series, I own multiple books. Am I ever going to catch up?
Here is my list from yesterday's Top Ten Tuesday.
1. The Raven Cycle (Book 1: The Raven Boys), by Maggie Stiefvater
2. Falling Kingdoms (Book 1: Falling Kingdoms), by Morgan Rhodes
3. All The Wrong Questions (Book 1: Who Could It Be At This Hour), Lemony Snicket
4. His Dark Materials (Book 1: The Golden Compass), by Philip Pullman
5. Forever Girl (Book 1: The Forever Girl), by Rebecca Hamilton
6. The Strain Trilogy (Book 1: The Strain), by Guillermo del Toro & Chuck Hogan

8. Legend (Book 1: Legend), by Marie Lu
9. Fallen (Book 1: Fallen), by Lauren Kate
10. The Wolves of Mercy Falls (Book 1: Shiver), by Maggie Stiefvater
Here are the books/series I didn't put on yesterday's list.
11. Infernal Devices (Book 1: Clockwork Angel), by Cassandra Clare
12. Delirium (Book 1: Delirium), by Lauren Oliver
13. Eve (Book 1: Eve), by Anna Carey
14. Sword of Truth (Book 1: Wizard's First Rule), by Terry Goodkind **
15. Abandon Trilogy (Book 1: Abandon), Meg Cabot
16. All Souls Trilogy (Book 1: A Discovery of Witches), by Deborah Harkness

18. The DemonWars Saga (Book 1: The Demon Awakens), by R.A. Salvatore **
19. The Frey Saga (Book 1: Frey), Melissa Wright
20. Darkness Falls (Book 1: Darkness Falls), by Jessica Sorensen
21. Fallen Star (Book 1: The Fallen Star), by Jessica Sorensen
21! How do I have books belonging to 21 different series that I haven't even started yet? Seriously, I need to consider not buying the first book in a series, only to have it sitting on my shelves for years (YEARS!). What is it about series, or books in general, that keep me accumulating more and more? Am I ever going to be able to read all the books I own? Ugh. Any advice on where to start with this list?

*Christopher Moore's series is the only one where I own books 2 and 3, but not book 1. How did that happen? I wanted to read Moore, because there are bloggers and people I know in real life who love his work. I saw You Suck (book 2), liked the title and synopsis, plus it was a hardcover on sale for $5.99, I think (I remember it being really cheap), so I bought it. After I did some more research, I found out it was book 2. Ugh. This past summer, I was in a used bookstore and saw Bite Me (book 3). Since I already had book 2and the price was right, I bought it.
**The Terry Goodkind and R.A. Salvatore books are technically my husbands, but there's still there, sitting on the shelf, with all the other books I want to read, but I could have left them out if I wanted to seem less crazy.
I get it, I really do!
ReplyDeleteThanks. It's nice that someone understands :)