Summer is always so crazy. I'm trying to work. The kids are done school and it doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else. So, why not do a writing course?! My friend Tanya messaged me this week because she wants us to do a course together. I can't do the big one because of time and money, but I am probably going to do the less expensive online course. It looks interesting, helpful, more affordable, and Tanya and I would be able to do both at the same time.
I did a little work on my outline for my novel. Not as much as I'd like but enough to make me feel like progress was made. I'm also thinking about doing a 10 minute writing prompt every day. Maybe in the morning, maybe not. I'm already squeezing writing time in whenever I can. I like the idea of it, but I don't know if it's something that will happen every day.
One more thing, adult coloring books. We were at my in-laws' last weekend and there were coloring books there for the children. The kids coloured for a while, but in the end it was my nephew who is 16, coloring the book. While my husband made fun of him a little (which is his prerogative as his uncle) I commented on how popular adult colouring books seem to be at bookstores right now. Lately, whenever I am browsing online or in person at Chapters and sometimes on Amazon, I see a new colouring book being promoted. There was even a contest to win one on Goodreads. As I read about the benefits of colouring I wonder if I should get one for myself. I did used to draw as a hobby, but haven't in sometime, as I have gotten busier with family and work life. Trying to schedule one more thing into my day and feels overwhelming. However, I'm wondering if a coloring book or a little drawing might lead to greater creativity. I wonder how many people out there are using the adult coloring books, or if it's just something that the bookstores are trying to sell. My nephew seemed really into it though, and I know I've enjoyed helping the children color their superheroes and princesses. My days are crazy, this could be the calm I need.
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